Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I track my order?

Please click the link on the email we sent with order confirmation.

What will be the delivery time of my order?

If the product was Ex-stock while you confirm the payment, the consignment will ship out within 48 hrs. Products not Ex-stock please check the delivery time indicated.

Can I reserve the products till I complete the payment?

You can add the products to cart, but we serve on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, but before it ships out from the warehouse. Please call 0773237926  to check the delivery status.

How can I get a refund for the cancelled order?

You can buy another product for that amount.

Can I change the product I ordered?

Yes, but you need to inform the warehouse before it ships out. You need to send a written request to change the item.

Can I change the quantity of my order?

Yes, but you have to inform the warehouse before the order ships out by written email.

How can I get the invoice copy for my order?

The invoice and the delivery note will be handed over with the goods.

Product added to wishlist
Product added to compare.

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